PSHE (Including RSHE)
How PSHE education, including Relationships Education, is taught at Garstang Community Primary School.
We have chosen the SCARF programme, compiled by Coram Education, as our main PSHE resource. Coram Education also provide the Life Education facility to schools, which we use each year. SCARF is an acronym to cover all of the aspects of PSHE (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship). We use this resource because the lessons build upon children’s prior learning; we have assessed the content and feel that it is relevant and sensitive to the needs of the children. There is planned progression across the SCARF scheme of work, so that children are increasingly and appropriately challenged as they move up through the school. Alongside this, we also use other resources recommended by the PSHE Association, Newsround and wider media learning from the world around us.
Class teachers follow the suggested six half-termly units provided by SCARF for each year but we have tailored the curriculum to the needs of our pupils. The lesson plans list the specific learning objectives for each lesson and provide support for how to teach the lessons; class teachers and our PSHE lead often discuss this on an informal basis.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
In the EYFS, PSHE education is about making connections; it’s strongly linked to child-led activities, including play. PSHE is taught through activities that are part of topics, as well as on an individual basis to develop personal skills such as dressing, feeding and toileting. Positive experiences are built through daily opportunities, to share and enjoy a range of different activities. Children are given the opportunity to engage in social activities, as members of a small group or occasionally during whole-school activities.
Our Curriculum aims to create inspirational learning opportunities within an exciting curriculum, which equips our pupils with the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in a dynamic world. Key learning about relationships and health and wellbeing begins at this stage.
KS1 and KS2
The SCARF programme divides the year into 6 themed units:
- Me and My Relationships: includes content on feelings, emotions, conflict resolution and friendships
- Valuing Difference: a focus on respectful relationships and British values
- Keeping Myself Safe: looking at keeping ourselves healthy and safe
- Rights and Responsibilities: learning about money, living in the wider world and the environment
- Being My Best: developing skills in keeping healthy, developing a growth mind set (resilience), goal-setting and achievement
- Growing and Changing: finding out about the human body, the changes that take place from birth to old age and being
Throughout the course of the year, the PHSE curriculum is enhanced through participation in: Road Safety training for Reception & KS1 pupils, Bikeabilty for Year 6 and Healthy Heads lessons for pupils in Year 1-6.
We also have Whole school awareness days/weeks see assembly calendar. We also have visitors in school like the NSPCC – Speak out Stay Safe programme, which helps children to understand that they always have a right to stay safe, and they can speak to a trusted adult or childline if they ever need help or support. Living Streets Charity who come into school to talk to the children about walking and staying healthy and we take part in the Walk to school week. We also have regular visitors in school in from different faiths and cultures.
At Garstang Community School we work hard to promote health and well-being in all pupils, staff and parents. To contribute to this we are currently working on achieving Lancashire Healthy Schools status.
What is the Lancashire Healthy Schools Programme?
The Lancashire Healthy Schools Programme has been developed under the National Healthy School Standard and is a partnership project developed by Lancashire LEA, South Lancashire Health Authority, North West Lancashire Health Authority and East Lancashire Health Authority.
The Lancashire Healthy Schools programme aims to:
- Raise pupil achievement
- Enhance the health and well-being of pupils, staff and the wider community
- Support the delivery of the PHSE and Citizenship curriculum
- Show OFSTED that our school adopts a systematic and constructive approach towards addressing some of the more difficult issues
- Provide a strategic framework to plan and deliver the most effective course of action to address local and government education and health priorities
- Provide access to training and resources for teacher’s professional development.
- Help embed the school within the wider community.
- Contribute towards staff retention and raising morale.
- Promote pupil involvement and participation, thereby improving social relationships between pupils and between students and staff.
- Demonstrate to employees, students and parents that the school takes young people’s health and well-being seriously.
The Lancashire Healthy Schools Programme focuses on twelve Quality Standards. As a school we identify areas for development, write an action plan, complete actions and monitor the impact of this. Below are the 12 standards that we can choose from.
- Healthy eating
- Physical activity
- Drugs, alcohol and tobacco education
- Sex & relationships education
- Emotional health & well-being
- Safety education
- PSHEE & Citizenship
- Ethos
- Partnerships with families & local communities
- Leadership, management & monitoring change
- Curriculum planning & implementation
- Learning & teaching
What is a ‘Healthy School’?
“A Healthy School values all those who work and learn there, addressing the development of the whole person within the context of all aspects of school life.
A Healthy School provides a teaching, learning and listening environment which enhances self esteem and self confidence enabling everyone to fulfil their true potential.
A Healthy School also recognises its wider role in supporting the needs of its staff and young people within the wider sphere of society, culture and community.”
Lancashire Healthy Schools Programme ~ Vision Statement
We have now been awarded the Healthy Eating standard!
PSHE (HRE) & Relationships and Sex Education Policy Summer 2021
Parents Guide To Relationships And Health Education
We celebrated ‘Odd Sock Day’ on Monday 15th November. We wore odd socks to school in support of Anti-Bullying week. We have been thinking about all the wonderful ways we are different and that are differences are a reason for celebration. We talked about how lucky we are to live in a diverse country and a diverse world and how our differences should never be a reason to treat another person unkindly or negatively. We should always have a kind word for one another.