Assessment and Reporting
At Garstang Community Primary the key purpose of assessment is to move children on in their learning. Continued regular monitoring of each child’s progress gives a clear picture of what each child has learnt and how we as a team can move learning forward. It is important that each teacher knows what has been learnt, what skills have been acquired, what concepts have been understood and what learning objectives met. This enables teachers to reflect on what children are doing and informs their future planning. The outcome of assessments should help children become more involved in raising their own expectations, recognising their own achievement which will in turn increase their self-motivation.
Assessment at our school is the basis of where sound planning and teaching starts. There is an expectation that pre-assessment will take place and the results analysed before planning commences. A variety of assessment procedures are followed including formative assessment, summative assessment and diagnostic testing. Although ongoing assessment takes place throughout the term, there is in addition to this which is an Assessment Week occurring at regular intervals (determined by the academic calendar year). This enables staff to spend time assessing the progress pupils have made, identifying individual targets for pupils and planning ways to move forward.
Formative Assessment
We believe that formative assessment plays a key part in assessing the progress and future learning needs of individuals. Teachers are encouraged to recognise the importance of formative assessment by spending time on it and involving pupils in the assessment of their own learning such as teacher to student conference marking and observed peer marking of work.
Formative Assessment can take many forms:
- Listening to and observing pupils – both informally and in planned scenarios.
- Looking at pupils’ work – spending time on marking and feedback in order to see if pupils are reflecting on learning.
- Planning for and observing pupils’ thinking and problem solving activities.
- Asking differentiated questions and listening to responses.
- Talking to parents/carers, pupils and support staff.
Summative Assessment
At the end of key stage 1 (Year 2), teacher assessment in mathematics and reading are informed by externally-set, internally-marked tests. There is also an externally-set test in grammar, punctuation and spelling which informs the teacher assessment of writing. These are shown as a scaled score.
Phonics Screening takes place at the end of Year 1.
Year 6 pupils sit externally –set and marked tests in mathematics, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling. There is also teacher assessment in mathematics, reading, writing and science to give a broader view of children’s attainment. Results in the tests will be reported as scaled scores.
We use NTS tests in Years 1-5 three times per year in order to track pupil’s individual progress and to identify gaps in learning for both individuals and cohorts.
Diagnostic Assessment
Some assessments are carried out each year or term to identify particular progress or areas to develop.
Phonic checks will take place at regular intervals (termly) in order to assess the progress pupils have made and to ensure that pupils are being taught at the correct stage of phonics teaching.
Reporting to parents/carers and pupils occurs throughout the year in a number of forms.
An Interim Report are produced early in the Spring Term for both KS1 and KS2 children. This provides information related to children’s progress and attainment. In addition to this, there is opportunity to provide information related to attendance, behaviour and a social aspect to the child.
Annual Reports are produced in the Summer Term for KS1 and KS2. They are summative and informative, providing information on progress and achievements throughout the year. They inform parents/carers of targets to work on and information related to attendance.
Parents’ Evenings are undertaken twice a year, in the Autumn and Spring Terms. These give parents and teachers an opportunity to talk about a child’s learning and to discuss future plans.
In addition to the more formal reporting, there is opportunity for personal contact with parents/carers at the beginning and end of each day. This is seen as an important opportunity to develop a partnership between home and school.